ARVO Foundation Awards Committee
The ARVO Foundation offers a number of awards to recognize the best and brightest in eye and vision research, and to assist vision scientists and eye researchers in their efforts to stay abreast of the latest trends. The Foundation Awards Committee reviews applications and nominations for some ARVO Foundation awards.
Standing members
Joel Schuman, MD, FARVO - Chair
David J Calkins, PhD FARVO
Colleen M. Cebulla, MD, PhD
Patricia Chevez-Barrios, MD, FARVO
Mary Ann Croft, MS
Nicholas Delamere, PhD
Sophie Deng, MD, PhD
Sapna Gangaputra, MD, MPH
Anat Loewenstein, MD
Shannath L. Merbs, MD, PhD
Yvonne Ou, MD
Baerbel Rohrer, PhD
Andrew Taylor, PhD, FARVO
Lihteh Wu, MD
Epstein Award Ad Hoc Committee
The Epstein Award Ad Hoc Committee is specialized subcommittee of the ARVO Foundation Awards Committee with responsibility for selecting the annual winner of the Dr. David L. Epstein Award. The committee consists of the chair of the Foundation Awards Committee, the chair of the Foundation Board of Governors, the ARVO Trustee representing the Glaucoma section plus three additional committee members who are senior glaucoma specialists.
Janey L. Wiggs, MD, PhD, FARVO - Chair
Rachel Kuchtey, MD, PhD
Richard Libby, PhD, FARVO
Keith Martin, MD, FARVO
Gillian McLellan, PhD, FARVO
Colm O'Brien, MD, FARVO
Paul Sternberg, Jr., MD, FARVO
WEAVR Leadership Committee
The Women in Eye and Vision Research (WEAVR) initiative was developed in 2008 to provide networking, career development and research opportunities for women pursuing careers in the visual sciences. The WEAVR Leadership Committee provides strategic direction for WEAVR’s fundraising activities, and leads WEAVR’s initiatives for networking and career development.
Malia Edwards, PhD - Chair
Karen Allison, MD
Kathryn S. Crawford, PhD
Margaret M. DeAngelis, PhD
Claire Gelfman, PhD
Neena B. Haider, PhD
Mariya Moosajee, MBBS, PhD
Leah Owen, MD, PhD
Cheryl Rowe-Rendelman, PhD
Daisy Shu, PhD
Preeti Subramanian, PhD
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee provides financial oversight to the ARVO Foundation.
Rafal Farjo, PhD - Chair
Erik van Kuijk, MD, PhD, FARVO
Janey L. Wiggs, MD, PhD, FARVO
J. Mark Petrash, PhD, FARVO - Ex-Officio
SriniVas R. Sadda, MD, FARVO - Ex-Officio
Joel Schuman, MD, FARVO - Ex-Officio
Iris M. Rush, CAE - Ex-Officio