2023 education course recordings
Course listings
Recordings from the 2023 in-person education courses are available for purchase within ARVOLearn.
- Members-in-Training ($49)
- Members ($79)
- Nonmembers ($109)
Diabetic retinopathy: Moving the field forward
- Organizers: Renu A Kowluru, PhD, FARVO, Wayne State University, Kresge Eye Institute; Arup Das, MD, PhD, University of New Mexico School of Medicine, NM VA Health Care System
- Audience: The target audience will include junior/senior basic researchers, clinician-scientists, ophthalmologists, ophthalmology residents, optometrists, post-doctoral fellows, graduate students, PhD candidates, research assistants/associates, and Pharmaceutical Industry representatives.
- Presentations:
- Clinical Overview of Diabetic Retinopathy (Arup Das, MD, PhD)
- Epidemiology and Systemic Risk Factors (Tien Wong, MD, PhD)
- Our Evolving Understanding of the Genetic Architecture of Diabetic Retinopathy (Lucia Sobrin, MD, MPH)
- Experimental Models and Endpoints in the Study of Diabetic Retinopathy (David Antonetti, PhD)
- Molecular Mechanisms of Diabetic Retinopathy (Julia Busik, PhD)
- Illuminating the dark matter: non-coding RNAs in diabetic retinopathy (Subrata Chakrabarti, MD, PhD)
- Mitochondrial Epigenetics in Diabetic Retinopathy (Renu Kowluru, PhD)
- The Gut-Eye Axis (Maria Grant, PhD)
- Neuronal dysfunction in diabetic retinopathy (Elliot Sohn, PhD)
- Role of Choroid in Diabetic Retinopathy-Current Status (Tomoaki Murakami, MD, PhD)
- Autonomous AI for Diabetic Retinopathy: From algorithm through ethics to health equity (Michael David Abramoff, MD, PhD, FARVO)
- Novel Imaging Approaches (Caroline R. Baumal, FRSCSC, MD)
- Vascular regeneration as an exciting concept for diabetic retinopathy (Alan Stitt, PhD)
- Anti-VEGF therapy in diabetic retinopathy - Current status (Lloyd P. Aiello, MD, PhD, FARVO)
- Laser Therapy/Surgery (Rajendra S. Apte, MD, PhD
Improving Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data trust in ophthalmology: From clinical trials to real-world adoption
- Organizers: Daniela Ferrara, MD, MS, PhD, FASRS, Tufts University School of Medicine; Daniel S.W. Ting, MD, PhD, Singapore National Eye Centre; Dawn Sim, MBBS, FRCOphth, PhD, Genentech Roche
- Audience: Ophthalmologists, optometrists, other clinicians, clinical scientists, and biomedical researchers interested in better understanding of AI in ophthalmology, its strengths and weaknesses, new developments, and future applications.
- Presentations:
- NEI Initiatives for AI and Big Data (Michael Chiang, MD)
- AAO Initiatives on Image Standardization (Aaron Lee, MD)
- Predictive AI algorithms and data interpretation (T. Y. Alvin Liu, MD)
- Basic principles of AI, ML, and DL (Kabilan Elangovan, AI Researcher)
- Predictive AI models in Ophthalmology (Josef Huemer FRCOphth, PhD)
- Pearls and pitfalls of AI and digital innovation (Tien Wong MBBS, MMED (Ophth), MPH, PHD, FRCSE, FRANZCO, FAMS)
- The use of blockchain to regulate data and AI models (Daniel Ting MBBS, MMed (Ophth), FAMS, PhD)
- Federated ML: how to facilitate cross-border collaboration without needing to transfer data? (Zhen Ling Teo, MD)
- Clinical trials basics and a user-centered approach (Dawn Sim FRCOphth, PhD)
- Current and future state of AI in clinical trials (Daniela Ferrara MD, PhD, FASRS)
- Reinforcement Learning in Clinical Trials (David Kuo MD, Genentech, Stanford University)
- Translating glaucoma AI algorithms into real-world clinical applications: opportunities and challenges (Louis Pasquale, MD)
- AI for DR Screening in a national tele-ophthalmology platform (Gavin Tan MBBS, MMed(Ophth), MRCSEd, FRCS(Ed), FAMS, PhD)
- A real-world use case: Improving ROP AI algorithms using federated ML (Peter Campbell MD, MPH)
- Using AI and external eye photographs to predict retina and systemic diseases (Naama Hammel MD)
- Clinical trials and AI for AMD: past, present, and future (Emily Chew, MD)
Interpreting genetic tests: The basics of molecular diagnosis through application of results
- Organizers: Ramiro Maldonado, MD, Duke University; Robert Hufnagel, MD, PhD, National Institutes of Health (NIH); Kristy Lee, MS, CGC, University of North Carolina (UNC)
- Audience: Ophthalmologists, genetic counselors, geneticists, researchers, trainees (residents, fellows, postdocs).
- Presentations:
- Phenotyping inherited ocular diseases in the era of genetic testing & therapy (Dr. Ramiro Maldonado)
- Gene 101. Basics of molecular diagnostics (Dr. Robert Hufnagel)
- Genetic counseling in Ophthalmology (Kari Branham, MS, CGC)
- Interpreting genetic test results for ocular disorders: The basics of molecular diagnosis through application of results (Dr. Kristy Lee)
- ClinGen gene: Disease and variant curation (Dr. Gavin Arno)
- Public databases and Sponsored testing programs (Emily Place, MS, LCGC)
- Expecting the unexpected: incidental and secondary findings in genetic testing (Linda Reis, MS, CGC)
Registries in ophthalmic diseases: Their development and use in research
- Organizers: Anne Lynch MB, BCH, BAO, MSPH, Department of Ophthalmology, University of Colorado School of Medicine; Colorado School of Public Health; Jennifer Patnaik, PhD, Division of Ophthalmic Epidemiology, Department of Ophthalmology, University of Colorado School of Medicine; Colorado School of Public Health
- Audience: Eye and vision researchers contemplating setting up databases for eye diseases.
- Presentations:
- Tools for setting up a registry in age-related macular degeneration (Dr. Anne Lynch)
- Building out research questions using a registry (Dr. Jennifer Patnaik)
- Registry database design and considerations: a statistician’s perspective (Dr. Brandie Wagner)
- Save Sight Registries (Dr. Mark Gillies)
- Registries in retinopathy of prematurity and other pediatric eye diseases (Dr. Emily McCourt)
- The Pearls and Perils of Investigating Rare Neuro-Ophthalmic Diseases of Childhood (Dr. Robert Avery)
- Linking of imaging and biomarker data from the University of Colorado AMD registry (Dr. Talisa De Carlo Forest)
- Sight Outcomes Research Collaborative (SOURCE) (Dr. Joshua Stein)
The ABCs of randomized controlled trials
- Organizers: Penny Asbell, MD, FACS, MBA, FARVO, Department of Ophthalmology, University of Tennessee Health Science Center; Tianjing Li, MD, MHS, PhD, Department of Ophthalmology, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
- Audience: Eye and vision researchers.
- Presentations:
- How to minimize bias? (Dr. Mae Gordon)
- What are different trial designs? (Dr. Jimmy Le)
- Key components of a clinical trial’s protocol, manual of operations, and monitoring plan (Dr. David Musch)
- Approvals and regulations needed in randomized controlled trials (Dr. Tianjing Li)
The use of electrophysiologic techniques in vision research
- Organizers: Mitchell Brigell, PhD FARVO Occuphire Pharma; Laura Frishman, PhD, FARVO University of Houston
- Audience: Eye and vision researchers.
- Presentations:
- Welcome and introduction (Mitchell Brigell, PhD, FARVO)
- Cellular Origins of the electroretinogram (Laura Frishman, PhD, FARVO)
- Applications of Isolated Photoreceptor Electrophysiologic techniques (Vladimir Kefalov, PhD)
- Application of electrophysiologic techniques to understanding of chromatic processing (Jay Neitz, PhD)
- Application of visual electrophysiology in animal models of outer retinal disease (Neal Peachy, PhD)
- Electrophysiological outcome measures in therapeutic trials for Inherited Retinal Degenerations (IRDs) (David Birch, PhD, FARVO)
- Application of visual electrophysiology in pediatric ophthalmology: clinical and research (Arlene Drack, MD)
- The use of visual electrophysiology in Diabetic Retinopathy -Clinical (Jason McAnany, PhD)
- The use of electroretinography in diabetic retinopathy (Machelle Pardue, PhD, FARVO)
- Application of visual electroretinography in rodent models of glaucoma (Bang Bui, PhD)
- Electrophysiologic measures of retinal ganglion cell dysfunction in glaucoma (2023) (Suresh Viswanathan, PhD, FARVO)
Using electronic health records (EHR) data: Data readiness and FAIR principles
- Organizers: Kerry Goetz, MS, National Eye Institute (NEI); Michelle Hribar, PhD, MS, Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU)/National Eye Institute (NEI)
- Audience: Vision researchers interested in the secondary use of EHR data.
- Presentations:
- Data Readiness and Bias for Secondary Research Use of EHR Data (Dr. Nicole Weiskopf)
- FAIR Data Principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) and the EHR (Kerry Goetz, MS)
- Healthcare Data Standards (Kerry Goetz, MS)
- Common Data Models ‐ Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) & Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) (Dr. Sally Baxter)
We've got the power! Power and sample size calculations for ophthalmology and vision research
- Organizers: Alison Abraham, PhD, MS, MHS, Colorado School of Public Health and Sue Anschutz Rodgers Eye Center; Gui-shuang Ying, PhD School of Medicine University of Pennsylvania
- Audience: Vision researchers, clinicians, and basic scientists who have some experience with study design but without training in statistics. The target audience are those who plan to design studies and want to understand the basic ideas behind power and sample size calculations, the information that goes into those calculations and some basic formulas and software for sample size/power calculations.
- Presentations:
- Basic concepts for sample size and power calculations (Dr. Maureen Maguire)
- So you have a study question... How to translate a study, by (Dr. Ali Abraham)
- Continuous study outcomes. One sample, two sample and correlated data problems (Dr. Bernard Rosner)
- Categorical study outcomes. One sample, two sample and correlated data problems (Dr. Gui-shuang Ying)
- Power and Sample Size Calculation for non-inferiority trial, by (Dr. Xiangrong Kong)
- Interactive power and sample size calculations with Q&A (Jiangxia Wang, MS, MA)