
A Statement from ARVO Leadership

June 7, 2020

ARVO leadership shares in the dismay, rebuke, and call to action over the tragic deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and countless others who have suffered at the hands of targeted violent acts around the world. This social injustice is not acceptable and must change.

In support of our mission to advance vision research worldwide, ARVO stands strong in our commitment to ensure that every member is welcome and treated equitably irrespective of nationality, race, gender or beliefs. All members must accept and adhere to the ARVO Professional Code of Conduct that emphasizes valuing diversity and cultural sensitivity and respecting differences across and within cultures without exception. We expect every ARVO member to be aware of our Diversity Policy and to partner in our efforts to continually improve inclusiveness in all of our work together. ARVO recognizes that diversity of contributors and ideas enriches all scientific discovery in our field, which is focused on enhancing the understanding of the eye and visual system, and preventing, treating and curing its disorders.

Be well and be safe.

Stephen C. Pflugfelder,  MD, FARVO
ARVO President

Justine R. Smith, FRANZCO, PhD, FARVO
ARVO Executive Vice President

Iris M. Rush, CAE
ARVO Executive Director