
Renew or rejoin ARVO

ARVO Membership is open to individuals with particular competence or interest in the field of ophthalmic investigation and vision research.

Print applications are also availableTo submit an abstract for the 2022 Annual Meeting, membership application paper form and payment must be received by ARVO by 5pm, Eastern Time, Jan. 3, 2022.

Sending a check? Please mail to:
5515 Security Lane, Suite 500
Rockville, MD 20852-5622

Membership Categories and Dues  

Every member must select one Scientific Section that best represents his or her primary area of interest. The Board of Trustees is comprised of one elected Trustee from each Scientific Section. Members may also select one or more Cross-sectional Groups that annually plan and host scientific sessions at the ARVO Annual Meeting. Members may submit Annual Meeting abstracts to any Scientific Section for review, regardless of whether they belong to the reviewing Section.

To submit an abstract for the Annual Meeting, you must be a member for the year in which the Meeting is held. Online-only members are not eligible to submit abstracts for ARVO Annual Meetings.  Dues are on a calendar year basis, however beginning in September, memberships include the entire following year.  Applications for membership may be submitted at any time.  

Please see the ARVO Bylaws for further information on membership.

Membership dues are non-refundable and non-transferable, and do not include registration fees for meetings.

ARVO Sections
ARVO Sections represent 13 main research interests of members
ARVO Cross-sectional Groups
Cross-sectional Groups give ARVO members the opportunity to network with colleagues from different but related areas of study.