Welcome to EyeFind!
The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) and the Eye Bank Association of America (EBAA) recognize a need to improve the exchange of information between scientists and the eye banks that supply human donor eye tissues for their research. Working collaboratively, ARVO members and EBAA members developed an online tool to facilitate better communication.
EyeFind aims to assist researchers in finding local and national eye banks that provide services and eye tissues that meet their research needs. Through this tool, researchers will receive a list of eye banks that have self-identified their services with immediate contact information. Eye banks have direct access to this tool to maintain up-to-date information about their tissues and services.
ARVO and EBAA hope that EyeFind will strengthen the relationship between researchers and eye banks, facilitating the placement of more and better human eye tissue for vision research. Your feedback on EyeFind is important. Please expect to receive a follow-up survey after you use this tool. Thank you in advance for your comments and suggestions.
In addition to EyeFind, ARVO and EBAA continue to collaborate to define best practice guidelines for eye bank associates and researchers to follow during tissue recovery, processing and distribution. Resources will continue to be added as we progress on this important element of the service.
International eye bank associations:
- European Eye Bank Association
- Association of Eye Banks of Asia
- Eye Bank Association of Australia & New Zealand
- Eye Bank Association of India
- Eye Bank Association of America
- Pan American Association of Eye Banks
A collaboration between:

ARVO and EBAA reserve the right to remove an eye bank from EyeFind if qualifying criteria are not being met, as reported by its users, and validated by EBAA.
Free inherited retinal disease eye tissues
In addition to the newly recovered ocular tissue offered by eye banks through EyeFind, the Cleveland Clinic Cole Eye Institute, in collaboration with the Foundation Fighting Blindness, has a collection of over 900 eye globes from donors diagnosed with an inherited retinal degeneration that are available for qualified retina research at no cost. More than 35 different diseases are represented in the collection, including retinitis pigmentosa, Leber’s congenital amaurosis, Stargardt disease, Usher syndrome and macular degeneration. The collection does not include non-diseased eyes. More details about the collection and sample access are available at https://my.clevelandclinic.org/departments/eye/research-innovations/eye-donor-program. Because this collection consists of only diseased ocular tissues, age-matched control eyes can be obtained through EyeFind.