Eye-tracking therapy sustains success in amblyopia treatment
Seattle, Wash. — A study presented this week at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology’s (ARVO) 2024 Annual Meeting in Seattle, Wash. showed successful results in using a new eye-tracking digital system called CureSight to treat amblyopia, lazy eye, in children.
Oren Yehezkel, PhD, and team tested CureSight against the eye patch method. This new system is a binocular dichoptic home treatment where the child wears goggles and watches any content of their choice. The pivotal study included 103 participants out of those, 80 participants were studied for 12 to 52 weeks and initially split into two groups, the patching and binocular treatment groups. After the first 16 weeks, some patients from the patching group were treated with the CureSight system.
Yehezkel said that the study “shows that improvements in both acuity and stereo vision following binocular treatment with CureSight were maintained one-year post-treatment, with effectiveness and amblyopia recurrence rates comparable to patching. The ability to use any streamed content during treatment supports higher adherence rates and user satisfaction, thereby providing an additional first-in-line alternative to traditional amblyopia treatment.”
- Abstract title: An Eye-Tracking-Based Dichoptic Home Treatment for Amblyopia: Stability of Visual Acuity and Stereopsis Improvement Following Discontinuation of Amblyopia Treatment in Children Aged 4 to 9 Years
- Presentation start/end time: Wednesday, May 8, 11:30 – 11:45am PT
- Location: Room 620 (Level 6), Seattle Convention Center – Arch Building
- Presentation number: 4305
The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) is the largest eye and vision research organization in the world. Members include approximately 10,000 eye and vision researchers from over 75 countries. ARVO advances research worldwide into understanding the visual system and preventing, treating and curing its disorders. Learn more at ARVO.org.
Media contact:
Jenniffer Scherhaufer, MMC, CAE