
The challenges of retaining talent in academia 


Webinar| June 5 | Available on-demand

  • Member/Member-in-training — $0
  • Nonmember/Nonmember-in-training — $15

Audience: Vision scientists and researchers working in academia.

Summary: The "Brain-drain" of talent from academic ophthalmology and vision research to big pharma and industry is becoming increasingly common. This webinar is for all of those individuals who want to stay in academia for their careers or create environments for their trainees to want to stay as well. 

Listen to experts offer advice, career opportunities, and techniques on how to make a career in academia an attainable and enjoyable goal! Hear what we can do as academicians to improve the lives of trainees to retain talent in academia. Finally, hear solutions to preventing this "brain drain" and learn from the compelling stories of principal investigators who have come before you and their paths. 

This webinar will provide information and solutions about how we can help our colleagues and ourselves not only want to stay in academia-- but be able to.

This webinar is hosted by ARVO's Advocacy and Outreach Committee (AOC). A certificate of attendance will be available to attendees upon request (email

Organizers and moderators: Jarrod Harman, PhD; MJ Gilhooley, MB, PhD, FRCOphth; Thomas Vincent Johnson III, MD, PhD;  Raji Shyam, PhD; Whitney Stuard Sambhariya, MD, PhD.

Presentations include a series of "lessons learned" by:


Reframing the retention problem: Industry is not the alternative career path
Fatima Abbas
Fatima Abbas, PhD (Genentech, Inc.) 

Recruiting and maintaining talent in the lab and in a university community
Kristen Kwan
Kristen Kwan, PhD (University of Utah)

Retaining scientists in academia
ME Hartnett
Mary Elizabeth (M.E.) Hartnett, MD, FACS, FARVO, FASRS (Byers Eye Institute at Stanford University)

Strategies for retaining young talent in academia 
Johnathan Javitt
Johnathan Javitt, MD MPH (Potomac Institute for Policy Studies)

Retention in academia: perspectives from NEI and as a former academic

*Presenters and presentations are subject to change.