
ARVO Swiss International Chapter Affiliate banner





ARVO-SWISS was established in August 2020 as a sub-group of members of the Swiss Society of Ophthalmology. All major academic centers in Switzerland (i.e., the University Eye Hospitals) participated in the foundation of ARVO-SWISS and serve as its leadership. In 2021, ARVO-SWISS was integrated as a section in the Swiss Society of Ophthalmology (Schweizerische Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft, SOG).


ARVO-SWISS seeks to connect the Swiss community with other communities under the umbrella of ARVO as the leading brand of eye and vision research worldwide. It provides a voluntary association of researchers and clinicians dedicated to advancing the field of ophthalmic research in Switzerland that promotes activities and programs for the benefit of its members and the vision research and science profession. As part of its mission, ARVO-SWISS also aims at joint advocacy projects and partnering with patient organizations.


Any researcher, clinician or trainee with an active interest in the field of ophthalmic research in Switzerland is eligible for membership in this organization. Membership shall be attained through written/online application submitted to and approved by the president. ARVO-SWISS membership is free of charge.

2024 update
  • The grant funding was used to support a researcher's attendance at the 2024 ARVO Annual Meeting.
  • ARVO-SWISS organized its sixth symposium at the Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Ophthalmology taking place in St. Gallen, Switzerland in August 2024. The fourth ARVO-SWISS general membership meeting will be held in conjunction with this meeting.
  • The Chapter hopes to implement a website to inform the scientific community stakeholders in the field, patient organizations, and the general public about the ongoing activities of ARVO-SWISS.
  • The Chapter is committed to carry out activities to foster young researchers in the field by organizing events such as lunch meetings with internationally renowned scientists.
  • President: Hendrik P. N. Scholl, MD, FARVO
  • Vice President: Beatrice Früh, MD
  • Officer: Gabriele Thumann, MD
  • Officer: Thomas Wolfensberger, MD
  • Officer: Martin Zinkernagel, MD, PhD
  • Officer: Sandrine Zweifel, MD, PhD